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Assessing Sociology and Psychology in UK Undergraduate Medical Education: Square Peg in a Round Hole?
Jeni Harden, Tracey Collett, Simon Forrest, Kathleen Kendall
MedEd Publish

AMEE Guide to Teaching Sociology to Undergraduate Medical Students (Guide Number 122)
The Guide highlights why and how sociology is important to good medical practice. The full version:explores new issues, includes examples and addresses in greater depth topics covered in the shorter version of the Guide published in Medical Teacher in 2018. Digital (£5) and printed (£8) copies are available to purchase from AMEE.
A core curriculum for sociology in
undergraduate medical education
This is the first authoritative document of its kind to be produced in support of UK medical education. It has been created through extensive engagement and consultation with colleagues working in the field and has input from clinicians, patients and students.
As the consultation has been so broad, we believe the curriculum reflects in a concrete way the needs, interests and opportunities for the development and support of students in meeting the key outcomes for sociology as defined by the GMC in 'Tomorrow's Doctors'.
Download the PDF here

A core curriculum for psychology in
undergraduate medical education
This report outlines the rationale for an integrated core curriculum; the process used to obtain consensus among the BeSST group and medical colleagues in relation to the core curriculum topics, how it maps onto the General Medical Council (GMC) recommendations for Good Medical Practice (GMP) (GMC 1995; revised 2001 and 2006), and how a core curriculum could be embedded in undergraduate medical education.
Download the PDF here
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