
Show and Tells
Psychology, Sociology and Lifestyle Medicine taught in Teams Based Learning Format: Combining the old with the new to empower tomorrow’s doctors​
Dr Jean Potter – The Hillingdon Hospital Macmillan Consultant in Palliative Care, Brunel Medical School Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer and Senior House Tutor
Dr Survjit Cheeta –Brunel University London Reader in Psychology,
Dr Anjaly Mirchandani – Brunel Medical School Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer and Module Lead
Natalie Humphrey and Jalika Breaux Show and Tell (Tues 6th Feb) -
The 'IMPACTS' curriculum at the American University of the Carribean - Integrated, Medicine, Public health, Advocacy, Care, Trust, Systems of Health.
BeSST Show and Tell-20240206_150242-Meeting Recording.mp4
Lauren Hardie-Bick and Marina Boulton (Brighton and Sussex Medical School)
An integrated approach to teaching and learning about inequalities and inclusion healthcare at Brighton and Sussex Medical School
BeSST Show and Tell - Lauren Hardie-Bick+Marina Boulton-20231205_150241-Meeting Recording.mp4
Rory Parkinson, Lecturer in Healthcare Ethics & Sociology as Applied to Medicine and Healthcare, School of Medicine, University of Central Lancashire
Using ‘patient' narrative from the third sector to support the application of social sciences to medicine
Paul Stronge - Lecturer in Cross-Cutting Themes, at the Peninsular Medical School, University of Plymouth.
Why we should stop talking about 'resilience'. Exploring the potential of 'resourcefulness' as a more useful concept to help medical students learn how to flourish amid adversity.
BeSST Show and Tell (Paul Stronge)-20230307_150330-Meeting Recording.mp4

BeSST TeaTime Chats
Join us for a virtual afternoon tea chat about social and behavioural science teaching in medicine.Just turn up (ideally with a hot non-alcoholic beverage) to have an informal chat.
Hosts: Hannah McNeilly and Tracey Collett
Friday 14th March, 2 – 3 pm (GMT)​
Friday 25th April, 2 – 3 pm (BST)
Friday 6th June, 2 pm – 3pm (BST)
Wednesday 23rd July, 11 – 12pm (BST)