BeSST Conference 2023
Interrogating Integration: Social and Behavioural Sciences in Healthcare Professions Education
Sunday 27th August
09.30-15.45 (BST)
The BeSST (Behavioural and Social Sciences Teaching in Medicine) hybrid conference will be an opportunity to come together as a community of practice in person and virtually to: share experiences; learn from examples of good practice and innovation; discuss challenges and rewards; and explore the integration of the social and behavioural sciences in health professions’ education. This year’s conference these is ‘Interrogating integration: social and behavioural sciences within health professions education’.
The conference will be held in Edinburgh on Sunday 27th August, 09.30- 15.45 (BST) with options to join in person or virtually. For those attending the AMEE conference in Glasgow, we have timed the day so it is possible to get back to Glasgow for the opening of the conference.
Conference fee (all fees go towards supporting the work of BeSST including the website costs and paying our patient and public involvement advocate for their time on the committee).
£50 (In person)
£30 (Online)
To register for a place please go to
Further information
In person: the conference will be held at the University of Edinburgh. The room will be confirmed shortly but it will be on the Central Campus within the Old Medical School (Teviot Place). Accommodation in Edinburgh in the summer is expensive and it is a busy time in the city so we suggest booking sooner rather than later. For those attending AMEE, we recommend staying in Glasgow and travelling to Edinburgh - we have arranged the times of the conference to allow for this.
Online: a joining link will be sent nearer the time.